Nachholtermin. Tickets behalten ihre Gültigkeit.
Statement der Künstlerin:
“hi fletch fam, writing to you with an update today. as you may have noticed, i’ve been pretty quiet on socials lately and wanted to share why.
i have recently been diagnosed with Lyme Disease. i started to become increasingly ill over the last couple years and just kept pushing even though i knew there was something deeper going on. for the last few months i’ve been receiving treatments, following doctor’s orders and doing my best to learn more about this invisible illness. Lyme has affected me in a variety of ways and while it has not only taken a tremendous toll on my physical body, it has also caused concern for my voice as well. this has worn on my soul in a way that’s hard to even put words to as singing is the thing i love most in this world and my voice is my vessel for expression.
i am so sorry to say that I’ve decided to postpone my upcoming tours in EU/UK + AU/ NZ to next year and to cancel my appearance at Corona Capital in CDMX. apologies to those who learned this from their local venue prior to me posting. rescheduled EU / UK + AU/NZ dates will be available shortly on my website so please hold on to your tickets. original tickets will be honored at the new show dates and ticketholders will be contacted directly with more information. Music Midtown and All Things Go this month will be my last scheduled dates of 2023.
you all know how much i love performing and seeing you on the road and i’m truly heartbroken to let you down. i debated on whether or not i wanted to speak about this publicly, but i’ve always let you into my world through the good, the bad and the ugly and i didn’t want to stop sharing with you now. unfortunately, touring & singing every night just isn’t something my body is capable of in this moment and i want to show up for you all 100% and give you the best show that i know that i have in me and one that you deserve.
it’s not lost on me how incredibly fortunate i am to be able to take time off to rest, heal and take care of my voice and body. i am extremely grateful and i can’t wait to perform for you bigger and better…and most importantly, stronger than ever next year. but for now, i want to thank you for listening and thank you for all of your endless love and support.
i love you all so much.
please take good care of yourselves and i’ll see you soon.
all my love, Cari“