Statement der Band: We naively thought we might make it through this without having to write one of these posts. But here we are. We have taken the difficult decision to cancel our upcoming album tour in UK, Europe and Russia, for obvious reasons. To be honest, calling it a “decision” isn’t really accurate as it’s not like we have any control over any of the factors in this. So please contact wherever you bought the ticket to get a refund. Obviously we are already working on how and when we can add new tour dates and as soon as we know more we will inform everyone. It’s a heartbreaking situation for us as playing live is central to what we do and to who we are. We really really thought that planning a tour 2 years after Covid first hit would work out. We were wrong and we’re really sorry to everyone who has made plans and was looking forward to this. So were we! So our new album GHOSTS ON TAPE is out on Friday. Please, please, please, if you can, pick up a copy. And crank it LOUD on your stereo, loop it on Spotify, immerse yourself in it on headphones. Get inside it. Part of how we make an album real to us is to take it around the world and share it in real time with real people – YOU. Not being able to have that human engagement, to feel people connecting to it, loud and direct in a venue, is brutal for us. We put a huge amount of heart and soul and imagination into this album and we would hate for it to evaporate away because a pandemic nuked our ability to tour it.
Gloria, KölnMi, 09.02.2022Einlass: 19:00 UhrBeginn: 20:00 Uhr25,00 € zzgl. Gebühren> Tickets> Download Press Kit> Video