„Due to the continuing restrictions on travel and large gatherings as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the UK & Europe Petals For Armor tour dates currently scheduled for May, are being rescheduled for 2021. The North American Petals For Armor dates will be rescheduled as well. More information on when the new dates will take place will be available soon. Tickets for both the UK/Europe and North America tours will be honored at the rescheduled dates. However, should you have any other questions about your tickets, please reach out to your point of purchase.”
Kein Nachholtermin
Live Music Hall, KölnDi, 19.05.2020Einlass: 19:00 UhrBeginn: 20:00 Uhr25,00 € zzgl. Gebühren> Tickets> Download Press Kit> VideoAbgesagt!