HELLO MY LUVS!!! Hope you’re all okay. Now I don’t know how much of a shock this is going to be, but we have had to come to the decision that we are postponing my tour in April. It’s disappointing but the most important thing is keeping everybody safe and healthy so we gotta do what we GOTTA DO! cries I want to put on the biggest, best and safest show for you all, so following government advice the new dates will be for March/April 2022, we’re finalising dates and will let you know as soon as we can. I wish I could be with you guys right now but I promise promise promise it will be worth the wait!!! If you have purchased tickets they are STILL VALID!!! And anyone who purchased tickets from now, they will be valid too!!! There will be live music again. We will dance together again. IMAGINE HOW AMAZING ITS GOING TO BE! March 2022, we’re coming for u ❤️ For more info contact your point of purchase
Nachholtermin: 03.05.2022
JAKI, KölnDo, 22.04.2021Einlass: 19:30 UhrBeginn: 20:00 Uhr17,00 € zzgl. Gebühren> Tickets> Download Press Kit> Video
Termin verlegt