Explosive American horn-and-percussion trio Moon Hooch – Mike Wilbur(horns), Wenzl McGowen (horns), and James Muschler (drums) – havetaken their exhilarating blend of virtuosic jazz, groovy funk, and pulse-pounding electronic dance music from busking the New York City subwaysystem to stages around the world. Onstage, the band plays through a Reverse DJ setup, in which the livesound from their horns runs through laptops to process recorded effects. Inaddition, they utilize Moog synthesizers, as well as an EWI (an electronicwind instrument that responds to breath in addition to touch) and othermore traditional instruments like clarinets.Wilbur added vocals to his repertoire, and Muschler, meanwhile, immersedhimself in tabla studies in India in order to expand his percussion skills. On Red Sky,their third and most adventurous album to date, the band useseverything they’ve learned from their whirlwind journey to push theirsound to new heights, bringing together the raw, transcendent energy oftheir live performances and the sleek sophistication of their studio workinto a singular, intoxicating brew.
Nachholtermin: 21.02.2022
Helios 37, KölnDo, 15.04.2021Einlass: 19:00 UhrBeginn: 20:00 Uhr16,00 € zzgl. Gebühren> Tickets> Download Press Kit> Video
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