Künstlerstatement: To our loyal Royal Council family—we have been given the opportunity to perform with Yungblud on his upcoming US tour. While we are incredibly excited to be a part of this, we had to make the difficult decision to cancel our rescheduled (but not yet announced) US tour and some upcoming European headlining dates. This wasn’t a decision that we took lightly, and we will be back to those European cities with new dates very soon. We hope that our fans in the US will be happy to see us on tour with Yungblud on those announced dates. All canceled shows will be refunded from your point of purchase automatically, including any VIP purchases. The European dates that we will be canceling are as follows: 2/19/22—Hamburg 2/20/22 —Berlin 2/22/22—Copenhagen 2/24/22—Stockholm 2/26/22— Munster 2/28/22—Amsterdam 03/01/22— Brussels 03/03/22—Tilburg 03/15/22—Paris 03/16/22 –Koln 03/21/22 — Brno 03/24/22—Graz More details will be updated on the status of these shows very soon –please remain to hold onto your tickets: 03/17/22 — Prague 03/20/22—Warsaw 03/22/22—Budapest We will still be performing on these dates, and there will be no changes in ticketing 03/06/22 —Glasgow (moved from 03/06/22 to 03/07/22, and tickets purchased for 03/06 will be honored) 03/09/22— Manchester 03/10/22—Dublin 03/12/22— London 03/13/22 — Nottingham 03/14/22—Cardiff —(moved from 03/05/22 to 03/14/22, and tickets purchased for 03/05/22 will be honored ) 03/25/22 —Solothurn 03/26/22— Munchen 03/27/22— Vienna 03/31/22— Kyiv 04/02/22 — Moscow 04/03/22 —St Peterburg In light of this announcement, Palaye Royale will be doing a free, private acoustic live stream show for our fans who were attending these canceled dates—more details on that event will be coming soon. Please understand that we will also have some fantastic news regarding future European dates shortly as well. We love you and thank you for the support.
abgesagt! Kein Nachholtermin.
Live Music Hall, KölnMi, 16.03.2022Einlass: 19:00 UhrBeginn: 20:00 Uhr26,00 € zzgl. Gebühren> Tickets> Download Press Kit> Video