Das Konzert wird auf den 28.06.22 verlegt. Tickets behalten ihre Gültigkeit! Künstlerstatement: „We have been so excited about this tour for a while now, however the safety of everyone is far more important. Unfortunately, we’re having to reschedule the March shows due to the uncertain situation regarding COVID. Wiesbaden is unable to be rescheduled; we have tried but are unable to find a date or venue. To those of you who purchased tickets for that show, we are sorry. Your tickets can be refunded from wherever you made the original purchase. As for the rest of the shows, please hold on to your tickets, as they will remain valid for the new dates.“
verlegt auf 28.06.2022!
MTC, KölnFr, 01.04.2022Einlass: 19:00 UhrBeginn: 20:00 Uhr16,00 € zzgl. Gebühren> Tickets> Download Press Kit> Video
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